Upgrading Linear Observer (LO) to HO
$\textbf{Model of the system:}$
$\dot x={\color{blue}A}x+p, \quad y={\color{blue}C}x\quad x\in \mathbb{ R } ^n, \quad u\in \mathbb{ R } ^m, \quad {\color{blue}A}\in \mathbb{ R } ^{n\times m}, \quad {\color{blue}C}\in \mathbb{ R } ^{k\times n}$
$\dot z={\color{blue}A}z+p+{\color{blue}{L_{lin}}}({\color{blue}C}z-y), $
where the pair $\{A,C\}$ is observable and $p\in \mathbb{ R } ^n$ - known exogenous input and the gain of ${\color{blue}{L_{lin}}}\in \mathbb{ R } ^{n\times k}$ the linear observer is such that
$\text{the matrix } {\color{blue} {A+L_{lin}C}} \text{ is Hurwitz}. $
The $\textbf{aim}$ is to upgrade LO to HO
$\dot z={\color{blue}A}z+p+\left( {\color{magenta}{L_0}}+ |{\color{blue}C}z-y|^{\nu-1}\mathbf{ d } (\ln |{\color{blue}C}z-y|) ({\color{blue}{L_{lin}}}-{\color{magenta}{L_0}})\right)({\color{blue}C}z-y), \quad {\color{magenta}{L_0}}\in \mathbb{ R } ^{n\times k}, $
where $\mathbf{ d } (s)=e^{s{In+\nu\color{magenta}{ G_{0}}}}$ is a dilation in $\mathbb{ R } ^n$ and $ \nu\in [{\color{magenta}{\nu_{\min}}},{\color{magenta} {\nu_{\max}}}]$.
    Upgrading LO to HO    
The function ${\color{red} { \texttt{lo2ho }} } $ computes parameters ${\color{magenta}{L_0, \nu_{\min}, \nu_{\max}}} $ and ${\color{magenta} {G_{0}}}$ of HO
- $\textbf{Input parameters}: {\color{blue}A}, {\color{blue}C}, {\color{blue}{L_{lin}}},$
- $\textbf{Output parameters}: {\color{magenta}{L_0}}, {\color{magenta} {G_{0}, \nu_{\min},\nu_{\max}}} $
    Implementation of HO    
See Section Fixed-time HO for $G_{\mathbf{ d } }=In+\nu {\color{magenta}{G_0}}$ and $L=L_{lin}-L_0$.
    Global Upgrading Algorithm    
- Take $\nu=0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad $ HO becomes LO
- Decrease $\mu$ or increase $\mu$ while a control quality is improving
    Local Upgrading Algorithm    
- Use the saturation $ \texttt{sat}_{a,b} (q)=\max(a,\min(b,q)),$ where $0\leq a\leq b\leq +\infty$ to restrict the homogeneous norm
$ \dot z={\color{blue}A}z+p+\left( {\color{magenta}{L_0}}\!+\! \texttt{sat}_{a,b}|{\color{blue}C}z-y|^{\nu-1}\mathbf{ d } (\ln \texttt{sat}_{a,b} |{\color{blue}C}z\!-\!y|) ({\color{blue}{L_{lin}}}\!-\!{\color{magenta}{L_0}})\right)({\color{blue}C}z\!-\!y), $
- Take $a=b=1 \quad \Rightarrow \quad $ HO becomes LO
- Decrease $a$ and increase $b$ while a control quality is improving
Use ${\color{red} { \texttt{demo_lo2ho.m}} } $ from $\texttt{HCS Toolbox}$ as a demo of upgrading LO to HO for $Rotary \;\; Inverted \;\; Pendulum \;\; Quanser \;\; QUBE \;\; Servo - 2$
${\color{red} { \texttt{demo_lo2ho.m}} } $
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Example of upgrading Linear Observer(LO) to Homogenenous Observer (HO) %% %% System: dx/dt=A*x+f, y=C*x %% %% where %% x - system state vector (n x 1) %% f - measured input (n x 1) %% y - measured output (k x 1) %% A - system matrix (n x n) %% C - output matrix (k x n) %% %% The system is a linearized model of rotary inverted pendulum QUBE-Servo2 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Pendulum model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Motor % Resistance Rm = 8.4; % Current-torque (N-m/A) kt = 0.042; % Back-emf constant (V-s/rad) km = 0.042; % %% Rotary Arm % Mass (kg) mr = 0.095; % Total length (m) r = 0.085; % Moment of inertia about pivot (kg-m^2) Jr = mr*r^2/3; % Equivalent Viscous Damping Coefficient (N-m-s/rad) br = 1e-3; % damping tuned heuristically to match QUBE-Sero 2 response % %% Pendulum Link % Mass (kg) mp = 0.024; % Total length (m) Lp = 0.129; % Pendulum center of mass (m) l = Lp/2; % Moment of inertia about pivot (kg-m^2) Jp = mp*Lp^2/3; % Equivalent Viscous Damping Coefficient (N-m-s/rad) bp = 5e-5; % damping tuned heuristically to match QUBE-Sero 2 response % Gravity Constant g = 9.81; % Total Inertia Jt = Jr*Jp - mp^2*r^2*l^2; % %% Linearized model of the rotary inverted pendulum (in the upper position): %% %% dx/dt=Ax+Bu, x=(x1,x2,x3,x4)' %% %% where x1 - angle of the pentulum arm %% x2 - angle of the rotary arm %% x3 - angular velocity of the pendulum arm %% x4 - angular velocity of the rotary arm A = [0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 mp^2*l^2*r*g/Jt -br*Jp/Jt -mp*l*r*bp/Jt 0 mp*g*l*Jr/Jt -mp*l*r*br/Jt -Jr*bp/Jt]; % B = [0; 0; Jp/Jt; mp*l*r/Jt]; % adding a model of actuator dynamics A(3,3) = A(3,3) - km*km/Rm*B(3); A(4,3) = A(4,3) - km*km/Rm*B(4); B = km * B / Rm; C=[1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0] n=4;m=1;k=2; %T=block_obs(A,C) %At=inv(T)*A*T %Ct=C*T; % %Lt=[6^2 152.0057; % 0 +264+6^2; % 0 0.5005; % 12.1117 -11.2415]; % %L_lin=T*Lt; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% HO/FHO design by upgrading a linear observer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % the gain of the linear (Luenberger) observer (should be provided by manufacturer) L_lin=[ 0 0.5005; 12.1117 -11.2415; -42.0617 -152.5127; -10.5401 -296.2791]; [L0 G0 nu1 nu2]=lo2ho(A,C,L_lin); % upgrade linear control to HPC %selection of the homogeneity degree L=L_lin-L0; %L0 - homogenization gain %L - observer gain gain %G0 - matrix that defines the generator Gd=eye(n)+nu*G0 of dilation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% HPC/FHPC design by upgrading a linear controller %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Klin=[2 -35 1.5 -3]; % the linear feedback gain (provided by manufacturer) [K0 G0_con P mu1 mu2]=lpc2hpc(A,B,Klin); % upgrade linear control to HPC K_con=Klin-K0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Numerical Simulation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t=0; Tmax=4; h=0.001; % sampling period x=[2;2;1;2]; z=[0;0;0;0]; tl=[t];xl=[x];zl=[z];ul=[]; %alpha and beta are tuning parameters of the upgrade %alpha=0; beta=1; %upgrade close to zero %alpha=1;beta=Inf; %upgrade close to Inf) alpha=0.000;beta=Inf; %global upgrade noise=0.00; %magnitude of measurement noises (may be changed for comparison) disp('Run numerical simulation...'); while t<Tmax u=Klin*z; % generated input to the plant (observer-based feedback) %u=e_fhpc(z,K0,K_con,G0_con,P,mu1,mu2,0.05,100); %FHPC y=C*x+2*noise*(rand(k,1)-0.5); %measured output x=x+h*A*x+h*B*u; %simulation of the plant z=z+h*(A*z++B*u+L_lin*(C*z-y)); %original linear observer (for comparison) %z=e_fho(h,z,y,A,C,B*u,L0,L,G0,nu1,nu2,alpha,beta); %FHO t=t+h; tl=[tl t]; xl=[xl x]; zl=[zl z]; ul=[ul u]; end; ul=[ul u]; disp('Done!'); %%%norm of the error at the time instant Tmax disp(['||x(Tmax)||=',num2str(norm(x))]) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Plot simulation results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% figure; axes1 = subplot(1,3,1); hold(axes1,'on'); plot1 = plot(tl,xl,'LineWidth',2,'Parent',axes1); set(plot1(1),'DisplayName','$x_1$'); set(plot1(2),'DisplayName','$x_2$'); set(plot1(3),'DisplayName','$x_3$'); set(plot1(4),'DisplayName','$x_4$'); ylabel('$x$','Interpreter','latex'); xlabel('$t$','Interpreter','latex'); title({'n=2'}); xlim(axes1,[0 4]); ylim(axes1,[-10 10]); box(axes1,'on'); hold(axes1,'off'); set(axes1,'FontSize',30,'XGrid','on','YGrid','on'); legend1 = legend(axes1,'show'); set(legend1,'Interpreter','latex'); axes2 = subplot(1,3,2); hold(axes2,'on'); plot2 = plot(tl,xl-zl,'LineWidth',2); set(plot2(1),'DisplayName','$x_1-z_1$'); set(plot2(2),'DisplayName','$x_2-z_2$'); set(plot2(3),'DisplayName','$x_3-z_3$'); set(plot2(4),'DisplayName','$x_4-z_4$'); ylabel('$x-z$','Interpreter','latex'); xlabel('$t$','Interpreter','latex'); title({'FHO Error,k=2'}); xlim(axes2,[0 Tmax]); ylim(axes2,[-10 10]); box(axes2,'on'); hold(axes2,'off'); set(axes2,'FontSize',30,'XGrid','on','YGrid','on'); legend2 = legend(axes2,'show'); set(legend2,'Interpreter','latex'); axes3 = subplot(1,3,3); hold(axes3,'on'); plot3 = plot(tl,ul,'LineWidth',2); ylabel('$u$','Interpreter','latex'); xlabel('$t$','Interpreter','latex'); title({'FHPC,m=1'}); xlim(axes3,[0 Tmax]); ylim(axes3,[-10 10]); box(axes3,'on'); hold(axes3,'off'); set(axes3,'FontSize',30,'XGrid','on','YGrid','on');