Sławek Staworko - R'18

Programming in R 2018

Responsable du cours : Sławek Staworko

Online materials


  1. Basic Income Survey [data]
  2. Young People Survey [data]
  3. Education Statistics [data]
  4. World Gender Statistics [data]
  5. World Happiness Report [data]
  6. US Population Survey[data]

Course Outline:

  1. Basic data types and expressions
  2. Flow control: functions, conditional blocks (if), loops (for/while/repeat/break/next)
  3. Data structures: vectors, matrices, lists, data frames
  4. Data import and export
  5. Drawing graphs
  6. Descriptive statistics


  1. Higher-order functions and their types
  2. Data structures
  3. Control and data flow
  4. Data exploration and visualization [raw R session transcript]


  1. Higher-order functions and their types
  2. Vectors and matrices [solution ex 20]
  3. Control and Data flow [solution]
  4. Exploratory Data Analysis

Project Master:

Project Licence SoQ: