Valeria Loscrì


* Invited talk at 6G-PHYSEC & INTERACT Workshop (Program link)

* Tutorial at EUCNC- 6G Summit (link )


* COST Action BEiNG-WISE (BEhavioral Next Generation in WIreless SEcurity) has been selected by the European Commission (2023-2027): Cyber Attacks and Defense with Conventional and Unconventional advanced wireless technologies with human in the loop! (Project link)

* I have been selected as Evaluator Expert for HORIZON Europe KTD-JU Program

* I have been selected as Evaluator Expert for HORIZON Europe 6G SNS-JU Program

* Invited talk on How Machine Learning is changing the Cybersecurity landscape in Wireless Communication Networks at Journée Securité @ CRISTAL (April 12) (Program link)

* We joined ISS (Inria Startup Studio) with OPTIWISE with Prakriti Saxena started on September

* Invited talk on How Machine Learning is changing the Cybersecurity landscape in Wireless Communication Networks at ENAC - Toulouse (March 29) (slides here)

* Invited talk on Machine Learning and Visible Light Communication at the Journées Scientifiques URSI -  France (21/22 March  2023) (slides here) (Program link)

* Invited talk on Unconventional Wireless Communication Technologies at the PhD Day - INSA Lyon (March 15)

(slides here) (Program link)

* Gerardo Hernandez Oregon is visiting our team and will work on cyber security attacks on VLC (Feb. 2023 - July 2023)


* Horizon Europe MLSysOps has been accepted - KickOff meeting in Volos (15 - 16 January 2023);

* Our project CORTESE has been granted by the Region Hauts-de-France in the Call STIMULE - Partenarial

* I delivered a talk on "Smart Attack and Countermeasures in Wireless Networks" at University of Padova, SPRITZ Team (Nov. 2022) (slides here), (video here)

* I delivered a talk on "Intelligent Connected Vehicles in 6G Networks" at University of Michigan (Jan. 2022) (slides here),

(video here)

* I will be TPC Co-Chair in EWSN 2023 (Conference link)

* I will serve as Wireless Communications symposium Co-chair at GLOBECOM 2023

* I joined the editorial board of IEEE TIFS (IEEE TIFS)

* Selina CHEGGOUR starts her PhD on Energy efficient and Intelligent 5G Massive MIMO solutions based on Machine Learning for Vehicular Communications (co-supervision with Eric Simon)

Ildi ALLA starts his PhD on identification, detection and countermeasures of illicit drones in wireless networks

* I am TPC member of INFOCOM 2023

* I delivered a MasterClass "Attaques Intelligents dans les Réseaux sans fil" ((link) at International Forum on Cybersecurity (FIC) in the context of Inria Academy (link).


*I delivered a talk on "Software Defined Approaches for Non-Conventional Wireless Communication Paradigms", at CITI-Lab, INSA-Lyon (Nov. 2021) (slides here)

* I delivered a talk on "Software Defined approaches for Adaptive VLC Systems" at IWOW workshop, in conjunction of ISWCS 2022 (Sept. 2021) (slides here)

* Just joined the NewFocus Cost Action consortium (NEWFOCUS project)

* Guest Editor of "Revolutionary Paradigms for Smart Connected Vehicles in the 6G ERA", a Special Issue of Elsevier     Vehicular Communications, (SI link) .

* Guest Editor of a Feature Topic on Networking Technologies to combat COVID-19 Pandemic on IEEE Communication Magazine (SI link)

* I am TPC member of INFOCOM 2022

* I am Posters/Demo chair for ACM Mobiwac 2021 (

* I am Short Papers/Posters/Demo of WiMob 2021 (

* I am symposium co-chair Mobile and Wireless Networking Symposium at GLOBECOM 2021 (

* I am Special Track co-chair of Cognitive Environments in IEEE COINS 2021 (