Andrey POLYAKOV
   Researcher at NON-A(post) team, Inira Lille-Nord Europe
   and associate member of the SyNeR team
Former Positions:
- 2010 - 2013 Institute of Control Sciences, Russia (Leader Researcher, permanent)
- 2008 - 2010 Voronezh State University, Russia (Associate Professor, permanent)
- 2007 - 2008 CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico (Post Doc)
- 2004 - 2007 Voronezh State University, Russia (Lecturer, permanent)
- 2005 PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Voronezh State University, Russia
- 2003 Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Voronezh State University, Russia
Committees and Memberships:
- Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2014-Now
- Member of Editorial Board of Automation and Remote Control, 2014-Now
- Member of IFAC Technical Committee: 2.3. Nonlinear Control Systems, 2012-2017
- Subject Editor of International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2014-2018
- Associate Editor of Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2014-2016
- IEEE Member of Control Systems Society, 2004-2014
Research Fields in Control Theory and Applications:
- Non-Asymptotic Control and Estimation (Finite-time, Fixed-time, Hyper-Exponential Algorithms)
- Robust and Non-Linear Control (Sliding Mode and Relay Control Systems, Polynomial Feedbacks)
- Set-Theoretic Methods in Robust Control (Ellipsoidal Methods, Interval Estimation)
- Lyapunov Methods in Control and Estimation (Implicit, Non-Smooth and Discontinuous Lyapunov Functions, ISS Analysis)
- Active Control of Turbulent Flows (Flow Separtaion, Drag Reduction)
Invited Talks:
- "Active Flow Control: Sliding Mode Control Approach", Workshop on Active Drag Reduction
Aachen, Germany, 15-16 March 2018
- "Sliding mode control of flow separation",2nd Workshop on Machine Learning Control, Valenciennes, France, July 5th-6th , 2017
- "Robust Stabilization with Time Constraints: Implicit Lyapunov Function Approach", International Conference "Optimization And Applications in Control and Data Science" on the occasion of Boris Polyak's 80th birthday, Moscow, Russia, 13-15 May 2015
- ANR ChaSliM, "Chattring-free Sliding Modes", 2011-2015
- ANR ROCC-SYS "Robust Control of Cyber-Physical Systems", 2014-2018
- ANR Finite4SoS "Finite-time Control and Estimation for System of Systems", 2015-2019
- CPER DATA "ControlHub"
- CPER ELSAT2020 "Contratech"
- ADT "SEEC", Inria
CV in pdf