I hold a Maître de Conférences position (which roughly corresponds to associate professor) in Université de Lille. I teach at the applied language departement and I am a member of Inria's team LINKS. I am mostly interested in aggregations problems in databases and artificial intelligence and knowledge compilation.
- Mail : florent.capelli (at) univ-lille (dot) fr (GPG key)
- Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Park Plaza - INRIA Bât B - avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Bureau B214
- The Arithmetic Complexity of Tensor Contraction, with A. Durand et S. Mengel, Theory of Computing Systems, STACS Special Issue, 2015
- Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilation, Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 17), 2017.
- Knowledge Compilation Meets Communication Complexity, with S. Bova, S. Mengel, F. Slivovsky, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 16), 2016.
- On Compiling CNFs into Structured Deterministic DNNF, with S. Bova, S. Mengel, F. Slivovsky, Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2015), 2015
- Understanding Model Counting for β-acyclic CNF-formulas, with J. Brault-Baron, S. Mengel, 32th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2015), 2015
- Hypergraph Acyclicity and Propositional Model Counting, with A. Durand, S. Mengel, Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2014), 2014
- The Complexity of Tensor Contraction, with A. Durand, S. Mengel, 30th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2013), 2013
- Knowledge Compilation, Width and Quantification, with Stefan Mengel
- Non-FPT lower bounds for structural restrictions of decision DNNF, with Andrea Calì, Igor Razgon
- On the complexity of enumeration, with Y. Strozecki
- A Strongly Exponential Separation of DNNFs from CNF Formulas, with S. Bova, S. Mengel, F. Slivovsky (preliminary version of the paper "Knowledge Compilation Meets Communication Complexity", IJCAI 16)
- Structural restriction of CNF-formulas: application to model counting and knowledge compilation, Florent Capelli. PhD Thesis, 2016.
- Compilation des formules CNF, Journées Nationales du GDR IM 2016 (in French).
[+] Talks
- Séminaire ALGO du GREYC, Bornes inférieures pour les branching programs, Caen, 21/03/2017
- Séminaire de l'équipe ACRO, Lower bounds for branching programs, Marseille, 12/12/2016
- Séminaire de l'équipe LIRICA, Structural restrictions of CNF-formulas: applications and limitations, Marseille, 12/12/2016
- Séminaire de l'équipe LINKS, Structural restrictions of CNF-formulas: applications and limitations, Lille, 18/11/2016
- Séminaire Dagstuhl, SAT and Interaction, Compilation of CNF-formulas: upper and lower bounds, Dagstuhl, 18/09/2016
- Journées de l'ANR AGGREG, Some results on complexity classes for enumeration, Marseille, 11/07/2016
- International Workshop on Graph Structure and Satisfiability Testing, Structure-based knowledge compilation: the singular case of beta-acyclic formulas, Bordeaux, 04/07/2016
- Groupe de travail LAAG, Une présentation du théorème de Lyndon, Paris, 16/06/2016
- Journées du GT ALGA, Knowledge Compilation and Communication Complexity, Marseille, 12/04/2016
- Theory reading group, KTH, Structural restrictions of CNF-formulas: applications and limitations., Stockholm, 16/03/2016
- Séminaire Automate, LIAFA, Structural restrictions of CNF-formulas: applications and limitations., Paris, 11/03/2016
- JGA 2015, Borne inférieure de circuits : une application des expanders, Orléans, 06/11/2015
- Journée de l'ANR AGGREG, #SAT and hypergraph acyclicity, Paris, 06/07/2015
- STACS 2015, Understanding model counting for beta-acyclic formulas, München, 06/03/2015
- Séminaire du GREYC, #SAT et acyclicté d'hypergraphe, Caen, 20/01/2015
- Journée de l'ANR CompA, Compilation de CNF vers les circuits booléens : une borne inférieure, Paris, 15/01/2015
- Séminaire de l'équipe MAGMAT, #SAT et acyclicité d'hypergraphe, Versailles, 17/10/2014
- Séminaire du CRIL, Complexité paramétrée de #SAT, Lens, 16/10/2014
- Bourbakettes, Complexité paramétrée, Paris, 23/09/2014
- Highlights 2014, Hypergraph Acyclicities and Propositional Model Counting, 05/09/2014
- SAT 2014, Hypergraph Acyclicity and Propositional Model Counting, Vienne, 17/07/2014
- EJCIM 2014, Acyclicité d'hypergraphe et #SAT, Caen, 03/04/2014
- Journées CompA, The arithmetic complexity of tensor contractions, Lyon, 04/03/2014
- STACS 2013, The arithmetic complexity of tensor contractions, Kiel, 02/2013
- Groupe de travail MC2, The arithmetic complexity of tensor contractions, Lyon, 10/10/2012
- I have organised a research school at ENS Lyon on Knowledge Compilation. See here for more details.
- For teaching material, see the French version of this webpage.