Luce Brotcorne

INRIA Senior researcher


Most relevant publications 2020- 2021

S. Nasini, M. Labbé, L. Brotcorne, Multi-market portfolio optimization with conditional value at risk,
European Journal of Operations Research
, 2021.

L. Brotcorne, P. Escalona, B. Fortz, M. Labbé, Fare inspection patrols scheduling in transit systems using a Stackelberg game approach,

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 154, 1-20, 2021.

G. Perboli, L. Brotcorne, M.E. Bruni, M. Rosano, A new model for Last-Mile Delivery and Satellite Depots management: The impact of
the on-demand economy,
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 145, 2021.

S. Afsar, L. Brotcorne, P. Marcotte, G. Savard, Revenue optimization in energy networks involving self-scheduled demand and a smart grid,
Computers & Operations research
, 134, 2021.

J. De boeck, L. Brotcorne, B. Fortz, Strategic bidding in price coupled regions, Mathematical Methods of operations research, 2021

L. Brotcorne, M. Anjos, J.A Gomez-Herera, Optimal setting of time-and-level-of-use prices for an electricity supplier, Energy 225, 2021.

M. Besançon, M.F. Anjos, L. Brotcorne, JA Gomez Herrera, A bilevel approach for Optimal Price Setting of Time and Level of Use Tariffs,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6) 5462-5465, 2020.

D. Aussel, L. Brotcorne, S. Lepaul, L. von Niederhäusern, A Trilevel Model for Best Response in Energy Demand-Side Management, 
European Journal on Operational Research
, 281, pp. 299-315, 2020.

For an exhaustive list please consult : Google Scholar