Marc Tommasi¶
Professor in Computer Science at Lille university. I am a member of CRIsTAL lab. I am the leader of the Magnet Team. Previously, I was a (founding) member of the Mostrare project team in INRIA Lille.
My research interests are machine learning, structured prediction for trees and graphs. I have also studied tree automata and set constraints.
- On HAL
- On Google Scholar
- My own list of publications (maybe not up to date)
- Pamela (2016-2020): Personalized and decentrAlized MachinE Learning under constrAint
- Lampada (2009-2013) : Learning Algorithms, Models and sPArse representations for structured DAta. (Scientific coordination)
- Crotal (2007-2009) on conditional random fields for natural language.
- Marmota (2005-2009) on statistical machine learning and tree structured data. (Scientific coordination)
- ATASH (2006-2009) on document transformations
- WebContent (2006-2009) on information extraction
- Mahsa Asadi with Aurélien Bellet : On Decentralized Machine Learning (2018-)
- Brij Srivastava with Aurélien Bellet et Emmanuel Vincent: Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Speech Recognition. (Oct 2018-)
- Mathieu Dehouck with Pascal Denis: Graph-based Learning for Multi-lingual and Multi-domain Dependency Parsing. (Oct. 2015- )
- Géraud Le Falher with Claudio Gentile and Fabio Vitale: on machine learning on signed graphs. (Oct. 2014-2018)
- Pauline Wauquier with Mikaela Keller: on Adaptive Graph Construction. (Dec. 2013-2017)
- David Chatel with Pascal Denis: On spectral clustering and information diffusion in graphs of texts. (Oct 2012-2017)
- Grégoire Laurence with Joachim Niehren: on learning tree transducers. (2008-2014)
- Edouard Gilbert with Rémi Gilleron: on probabilistic models from tree structured data. (Aborted)
- Patrick Marty: with Rémi Gilleron and Fabien Torre: on information extraction and supervised learning. (Defense on December 4, 2007)
- Florent Jousse: with Isabelle Tellier and Rémi Gilleron: on conditional random fields for information extraction. (Defense on October 31, 2007)
- Julien Carme: with Rémi Gilleron, Aurélien Lemay and Joachim Niehren: on information extraction from tree structured data and grammatical inference. (Defense on September 23, 2005)
- Daniela Dudau: with Rémi Gilleron and Isabelle Tellier: Machine learning and categorial grammars. (Defense on April 13, 2004).
- Franck Seynhaeve: with Sophie Tison Set constraints and term rewriting. (Defense on May 12, 1999).
TATA (Tree Automata Techniques and Applications) is an online-book on tree automata writen with H. Comon, M. Dauchet, R. Gilleron, F Jacquemard, Christof Löding, D. Lugiez et S. Tison.
Program Committees¶
- IJCAI 2017 (SPC)
- EGC 2017
- NIPS 2016, ICML 2016 (Rev)
- CAP 2015
- CAP 2014 (PC)
- CIAA 2013
- CAP 2013
- ECML/PKDD 2010
- LATA 2010
- ATANLP workshop on tree automata and natural languages in ACL 2010 and EACL 2012
- TAL journal of the ATALA for the Machine Learning for NLP, Volume 50 num 3.
Location (map):
Bâtiment B
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne
rue Héloïse
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq France
Phone: (+33)3 59 35 87 23
Surface mail
Parc scientifique de la Haute Borne
40, avenue Halley - Bât A - Park Plaza
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - France