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I was a PhD student in Computer Science from 1993 to 1996 at the university of Nantes , where I worked with Pr. Olivier Roux on using hybrid automata and temporal logic for verifying real-time programs. After my PhD I was a reasearch and teaching assistant at the university of Nantes for one year and then a post-doct at SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute; why didn't they keep that name?) in Menlo Park, California in the PVS group, for 18 months. I joined Inria in 1999 and have been a researcher at Inria Rennes in the Vertecs group. In October 2008 I moved to Inria Lille. Since 2013 I have been leading the Dreampal team.
Publications (DBLP)
My other Web page (with links to PDFs)
Current involvement in teaching:
Advanced Computer Architecture
Software Specification and Verification