ANR SLIMDISC Project Description People Results

SLIMDISC "SLIding-Mode set-valued control and observation in finite and infinite dimensions: DISCretization" is a project funded by The French National Research Agency (ANR). The start of the project is October 2024 for a duration of 4 years.

Project Coordinator

Franck Plestan

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Scientific Objectives
The sliding mode control (SMC) is a well-established control approach whose the main features are its robustness, its relative simplicity to apply, and its applicability to a large field of applications, especially since high order sliding mode controllers and their adaptive versions appear. However, this class of controllers suffers of the well-known chattering effect (high frequency oscillation) that can damage actuators, this effect being mainly sue to the non-infinite sampling frequency of the control. The main goals of this project are the analysis and the experimental validation of set-valued sliding-mode controllers and state observers/differentiators, in discrete time, as well as the design of a toolbox dedicated to the computation and implementation of discrete-time controllers and differentiators. This will be tackled using mainly the Euler implicit and semi-implicitdiscretization methods. Indeed, it has been known since about 15 years that the time discretizationhas a significant influence on the properties of set-valued SMC andobservers/differentiators. It is noteworthy that these conclusions have been largely confirmed experimentally (by many otherteams in Japan, Mexico, Austria, China). The key feature of this project is the development of discretization methods for both finite- and infinite-dimensional control systems.