North-European Inria Associate Team "RECoT" project is supported by Inria Lille - Nord Europe in order to strengthen collaborations between Inria, Lille and IBM Research, Dublin.
Members of the RECoT team are
Andrey Polyakov (Inria Researcher)
Sergiy Zhuk (IBM Researcher)
Denis Efimov (Inria Researcher)
Jonathan Epperlein (IBM Researcher)
Jean-Pierre Richard (Prof. EC Lille)
Robert Shorten (Prof. UC Dublin)
Description of teams:
Valse team of Inria deals with control and estimation of on-line (dynamical) systems with
applications to robotics, biological systems, human-machine interfaces and active flow control. The key feature of the developed algorithms is a robustness and a non-asymptotic convergence allowing to fulfill some time constraints. The main methodology is a homogeneity (dilation symmetry) approach.
The team from IBM Research develops minimax algorithms for state estimation and identication of dynamical systems with applications to computational fuid dynamics and image assimilation prob
lems. The key feature of the resulting algorithms is the exact or approximate description of the reachability set of the underlying dynamical system in nite or innite dimensions. The methodology is relies upon duality and Lyapunov exponents.
- exchange of a scientific knowledge
- homogeneous observers design using minimax approach and Lyaunov exponents method
- development of computational algorithms for consistent digital implementation of homogeneous controllers and observers
- minimax observer-based control and estimation of turbulent flows
Joint publications
- J.P. Epperlein, O. Iftime, S. Zhuk, A. Polyakov, "Asymptotic Output-Feedback Stabilization of Linear Evolution Equations with Uncertain Inputs via Equivalent Control Method", 57th IEEE Confernce on Decision and Control, 2018
- A. Polyakov, S. Zhuk, "Generalized Lyapunov Exponents of Homogeneous Systems", 58th IEEE Confernce on Decision and Control, 2019
- S. Zhuk, A. Polyakov, "Homogeneous Observers for Projected Quadratic Partial Differential Equations", 59th IEEE Confernce on Decision and Control, 2020
- S. Zhuk, O. V. Iftime, J. P. Epperlein, Andrey Polyakov,
Minimax Sliding Mode Control Design for Linear
Evolution Equations with Noisy Measurements and
Uncertain Inputs, Systems and Control Letter, (submitted)