M. Sadegh Talebi

    Mohammad Sadegh Talebi

     Postdoctoral Researcher
     SeqeuL Team
     Inria Lille - Nord Europe

     Email: sadegh (dot) talebi (at) inria (dot) fr
     mstms (at) kth (dot) se

  Publications    Teaching    Curriculum Vitae 

I am a posdoctoral researcher in the SequeL team of Inria Lille-Nord Europe, working with Odalric-Ambrym Maillard.

I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Department of Automatic Control at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of KTH Royal Institute of Technology under the supervision of Alexandre Proutiere and Mikael Johansson. I received my BSc degree in Electrical Engineering (minor: Electronics) from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) in 2004, and my MSc degree in Electrical Engineering (minor: Communication Systems) from Sharif University of Technology in 2006. Prior to starting my PhD, I worked a few years as a research engineer in the School of Computer Science of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM).

My research interests include:
  • Theoretical aspects of reinforcement learning
  • Markov decision processes
  • Stochatic multi-armed bandits
  • Resource allocation in networks

  • Average-reward reinforcement learning in tabular MDPs revisited
    with H. Bourel and O.-A. Maillard.

  • Learning multiple Markov chains via adaptive allocation
    with O.-A. Maillard.
    Accepted to NeurIPS 2019 [arXiv].

  • Model-based reinforcement learning exploiting state-action equivalence
    with M. Asadi, H. Bourel, and O.-A. Maillard.
    ACML 2019 [doi] [arXiv]. (Best Student Paper Award).

  • Variance-aware regret bounds for undiscounted reinforcement learning in MDPs
    with O.-A. Maillard (equal contribution).
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), 2018 [arXiv] [slides].

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Last updated on October 2019.